宝塔面板启动nginx出现报错 nginx启动,出现libluajit-5.1.so.2错误的解决方法

宝塔面板启动nginx出现报错 nginx启动,出现libluajit-5.1.so.2错误的解决方法

通过宝塔面板启动Nginx 提示报错,通过 nginx configtest 提示报错如下 nginx: error while loading shared libraries: libluajit-5.1.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such fi...

2024-12-20 admin 169 阅读
关于Thinkphp程序报 Class 'think\Image' not found 问题解决方法

关于Thinkphp程序报 Class 'think\Image' not found 问题解决方法

解决方法如下: 一、 把 ./vendor/topthink/think-image/src下的文件 全部全部复制到 (包括image.php和image文件夹)  ./thinkphp/library/think 目录下 ,在登录后台 就可以正常上传了...

2024-01-29 admin 163 阅读
The client needs a new connection for this request as the requested host name does not match the Server Name Indication (SNI) in use for this connection.

The client needs a new connection for this request as the requested host name does not match the Server Name Indication (SNI) in use for this connection.

The client needs a new connection for this request as the requested host name does not match the Server Name Indication (SNI) in use for this connection. 原因是使用apache 由...

2023-12-29 admin 242 阅读


  网站收到漏洞整改通知,参考教程https://blog.csdn.net/qq15577969/article/details/130633666 设置后还是不行 , 最后找了很多教程,在.htaccess文件中添加  Header set C...

2023-08-29 admin 147 阅读